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Currency Converter

The Universal Currency Converter™ allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate conversion on the Internet. Type the amount of source currency in the input box. You may include commas and a decimal point. Select the source and destination currencies using the scrolling selection boxes.

UCC   The Universal Currency Converter

I want to convert...

This Amount (enter any amount)
 Of this type of currency
 Into this type of currency

  • When you are finished, push the "Perform Currency Conversion" button, and the results of your conversion will be displayed. Note: Xenon Laboratories can make no guarantees as to the accuracy of this information. Click here for important legal information on this service.
  • Universal Currency Converter™ services, programs, compiled binaries, interface text and graphics, and documentation is copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 Xenon Laboratories Incorporated, all rights reserved. Universal Currency Converter and the spinning currency logo are trade marks of Xenon Laboratories Incorporated.