Your Money Feelings
by Joan Sotkin, Prosperity Place
- If you think other people are going to cheat you financially, you're afraid of being abused or manipulated.
- If you're stingy, you're afraid of love/intimacy.
- If you are worried about running out of money, you're afraid of being left alone or of abandoning yourself.
- If you never have enough money, it's because you believe you're not enough.
- If you often say, "I'm broke," you feel broken or wounded inside.
- If you are never able to buy things you want, you feel deprived, usually of love.
- If your money is out of control, so are your feelings.
- If you need to be rescued financially, you may be feeling needy. alone and unloved
- If you often borrow money, you think you deserve more than you receive (emotionally).
- If, when you look at your bank balance you feel ashamed, you're ashamed of yourself.
- When you go to buy something and you get a gripping feeling around your heart, you're feeling like a bad girl or boy.
- If money slips through your fingers and you never keep enough for yourself, you don't think you deserve prosperity.
How often do you think about money? Most people think -- or obsess -- about money fairly often. Even people who have what would seem to be a lot of money think or worry about money many times a day. It seems strange that we spend so much of our time thinking about something that by itself has no value at all. Money's value lies in the importance that we give it. Over the years, as I have been transforming my financial situation, I have had to look at why some people are comfortable with their money and others aren't. My conclusion is that like anything else in our lives, our financial situation is a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions (TBEs). Money is an energy of exchange. It is energy that passes between two people. When people exchange money for goods or services, they are having a business or financial relationship. Therefore, money is a symbol of relationships, and the way you deal with money is the same as the way you deal with your relationships. Let me rephrase that: Money is energy passing between two people, and how you deal with money is how you deal with your relationships -- with yourself and with others. Just as you have feelings about people relationships, you have money feelings, and they are usually similar to your other relationship feelings. As a matter of fact, your financial situation is a means for you to express deep feelings. Once you understand which feelings you are expressing through your money, you can work to express those feelings in a healthier manner and change your financial situation. Think about it �- isn't financial security a feeling? Some people feel financially secure with very little available cash. Others think they need more even when they have millions in the bank. Financial security has nothing to do with how much you have. It is about how you feel. Your relationship with money can tell you a lot about yourself. For example: