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Eight Customer-Attracting, Thought Full Marketing Tips

by Kare Anderson
Author & Speaker

1. In one sentence, can you effortlessly and memorably state your main, differentiating benefit that makes customers choose your services over their two other major alternatives (including "no action")?
Repeat it in your conversations, all written material and conversations with staff, customers, vendors and customers.

2. Make a specific offer that encourages a prospect to try your product or service -- a customer to use more of it. Fulfill the offer sooner and/or better than you offered.

3. Make a joint offer with two other businesses that also reach your kind of customer and you will all reach at least three to five times the number of prospective customers for the same amount of money you now spend on "solo" promotion.

4. Attract customers more easily -- not by traditional ads promoting your products or services -- but with easy-to-read tips (involving the use of your product or service) that solve one of their problems, saves time or money, makes a neccessary task more enjoyable or gives an experience they can savor.

5. Multiply the number of reasons for people to buy (convenience, more value, money, fun, reflected glory) and ways to buy (in-person, phone, fax, e-mail, delivered, "bundled").

6. Reduce customer's "emotional barriers" and the number of motions they must take to buy.

7. Offer "sane, self-indulgences" that make the time at your store or other site more meaningful: welcoming them by name, providing a thicker carpet or full-spectrum (feels light sunlight) lights or giving a �free sample� present that reflects their current interest, need or achievement.

8. Avoid wearing patterned clothing, especially on the upper half of the body because it will shorten the attention span of the person with whom you are speaking.

�1999 by Kare Anderson. All rights reserved.

Kare Anderson is a behavioral futurist who speaks and writes about "Say It Better" methods of thoughtful communication, conflict resolution, cross-promotion and outreach, and multisensory techniques to create more memorable on-site experiences. An Emmy-winning former TV commentator, Wall Street Journal reporter she�s a national columnist in 98 monthly magazines (from Gourmet Retailer to Broadcast Engineering), nine-time author ( Getting What You Want, Pocket Cross-Promotions, Make Yourself Memorable, Beauty Inside Out, Cutting Deals With Unlikely Allies, Resolving Conflict Sooner . . .) and publisher of the "Say It Better" online newsletter now read by over 17,000 people in 32 countries, which is available free when you sign the guest book at her web site at Anderson is the co-founder of The Compelling Communications Group

Learn how to reduce or avoid arguments for just $10.95. Kare's new book, Resolving Conflict Sooner, offers a powerfully simple four-step method, plus 100 specific persuasion techniques. Reserve a copy now at your bookstore. Or order one by sending a $12 check to "Kare Anderson" at our address below and we'll include the "Clarity Cards" pack of 40 tips + inspirational sayings for free.

See what others are already saying about Resolving Conflict Sooner. Go to and click on the cover of the book. And please sign the guestbook to let us know you were there.

Get a complete persuasion and conflict resolution course: Learn over 600 communication techniques in Kare's most comprehensive educational product, the 6-tape and book program called "The Resolution Response" -- an engrossing, easy-to-follow, idea-packed program for you and your organization for just $89.00.

The Compelling Communications Group
15 Sausalito Blvd., Sausalito, Ca 94965-2464
Telephone: (415) 331-6336
Fax: (415) 331-6661
Email: [email protected]

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