Part Two
by L. Lee Coyne Ph.D.
Author of "Fat Won't Make You Fat"
1. Eat protein & good fats in every meal and every snack -- no exceptions. For example, if you want some ice cream, precede it with one to two ounces of turkey.
2. Reduce carbohydrate intake, particularly from breads, cereals, muffins, donuts, pasta (including pasta salads), starchy vegetables (including potatoes of all kinds), puffed products, snack bars, bananas, corn, juices, dried fruits and sugar products.
3. Obtain most of your carbohydrate calories from vegetables and fruits.
4. Be very fussy about the sources of your fats and oils. Choose nuts, seeds and cold pressed oils. Never eat deep fried grease, cheap oils and margarine of any kind.
1. Stock your refrigerator with minimal preparation protein foods like sliced beef, chicken, turkey - the real kind from a good deli if you don't have time to cook them yourself.
2. Pre-cut vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, celery and store ready to eat or marinate as a salad which lasts for several days.
3. Stock plain yogurt and cottage cheese. If you need extra flavour use berries (high in fiber, low in calories and slow to raise blood sugar)
3. Soy protein powder is an excellent choice mixed in water or milk--never juice.
4. Canned salmon, tuna, sardines, chicken, turkey, mixed with real mayonnaise, some of your cut vegetables and eaten in a whole grain pita pocket is a quick and responsible meal.
5. Make thin crust pizza out of pita bread and use feta cheese along with your favorite vegetables.
6. Responsible supplementation of vitamins and minerals is no longer an option for good health. Stay with high quality natural and mainstream "Food Supplements" including:
- Multivitamin multiminerals;
- The antioxidants - beta carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C;
- Essential fatty acids like lecithin, GLA and EPA,
- B-complex (never isolated B vitamins) and
- fibre.
Herbal supplements are Nature's medicine and are not designed as lifetime supplements, but rather natural items for solving problems.
7. Exercise is absolutely vital to good health. Do not underestimate its value in weight management, stress relief, and cholesterol management. Find three to four one hour spaces every week to engage in exercise.
The foregoing paradigm shifts will help you become more productive, live long and live better, so why not try them? Your family will thank you.
More detailed information on this concept is available in the book "Fat Won't Make You Fat" by L. Lee Coyne Ph.D.