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Why Optimism Fuels Success
by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Personal Excellence Mentor and Pioneer Brainwave Researcher
Lately, our everyday reality seems to leave little room for optimism. People around the world are suffering from very real natural and personal crises. Our TVs and newspapers are packed with sadness and fear.
In times like these, it is very important to hold tight to a powerful life success tool -- optimism.
Why optimism? Because optimism physically lights up a very important portion of your brain that increases your ability to create positive answers to challenges.
So what is Optimism? You might fairly ask what optimism is.
First: optimism is not just a Pollyanna 'everything is wonderful' attitude.
it's actually a refined mental style of how one chooses to respond to life. Webster's Dictionary defines optimism as 'an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events, or to anticipate the best possible outcome.'
But you might fairly ask how you can be optimistic in the face of today's often overwhelming personal challenges?
Let's face it, life can be real tough at times. But even in the midst of personal turmoil and overwhelming crisis, the same thing holds: We choose how to perceive what is happening, and also choose how we will respond.
Our Greatest Life-Success Power
it's easy to feel overwhelmed at times and fall into a pattern of non-optimistic choices. This often occurs as part of the 'attitudinal meltdown' found with chronic or overwhelming stress.
But this ability to choose our mental outlooks and actions is actually the greatest life-success power we humans have.
Every moment we have a choice to either let things wear us down and feel depressed, or to set our minds in a more positive direction.
Virtually everything happening to you right now offers this choice. And it doesn't even matter if that 'thing' is 'good' or 'bad.' Even if something undesirable happens, you still have the power to choose how you will interpret and respond to that event.
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