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Here's Why (and How To) Stomp Out Any Old Limiting Thoughts!
by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Personal Excellence Mentor and Pioneer Brainwave Researcher
You’ve heard the expression, "We are what we think." But is this old saying really true in a scientific sense?
Do our thoughts *really* control what we accomplish in life?
I recall a classic study from many years ago. Picture this...
A teacher comes into a primary level classroom, and tells her students that a new scientific study proved blue eyed children are a lot smarter than brown or green eyed children.
The results are both immediate and dramatic.
The blue eyed children immediately began to outperform their brown and green eyed classmates in all aspects of their studies.
Then two months later the teacher calls a special class-room meeting. She tells the students she’d made a serious mistake. She apologized, and said the scientific study had actually proven that brown and green eyed children are the most intelligent.
Again the results are dramatic and immediate
The blue eyed children lost their edge and began to underperform. The brown and green eyed children’s grades, on the other hand, immediately soared to the "superior" range!
What does this prove? Simply this:
- If you *believe* you’re smart, you act smart.
- If you *believe* you’re creative, you act creative.
- If you *believe* you’re a success, you act successful.
- If you *believe* you’re excellent at something, you act excellent.
We each live up (or down) to the image we hold of our self.
An Important Insight
Earl Nightingale, a prominent success philosopher and teacher, spent a good part of his life studying the wisdom contained in the world’s philosophical, religious and metaphysical writings.
He reported discovering one common belief: "We become what we think about."
It seems Nightingale’s finding agrees with what the classroom-study proved: If you *think* you’re bright and destined for success, guess what? You’ll be smart, and you’ll do smart things that move you along toward success.
But if you *think* you’re dumb and destined to fail -- you’ll do dumb
How This Works
We are really just like those young children in the classroom.
Perhaps you remember something like this: You’re 7 years old and want to learn to play ball. But you haven’t had any experience catching, throwing or hitting.
So -- you approach some kids playing ball and ask to join. They assign you the position of third baseman.
But by the time the inning is over, you’ve clearly shown your lack of skill. Then catastrophe strikes when you come up to bat and strike out! That’s the end of your "baseball career." You were dubbed a "stupid dummy," and thrown off the "team."
Then suppose you tell your Dad what happened, and he says something like: "I’m not surprised Son, you’re really NOT cut out for sports."
The ANTs Have Invaded
Do you have some particular areas of life in which you seem to have "natural" limitations? If so - take a look inside your mind. You’ll find some of image-damaging messages from childhood.
These ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) don’t just go away on their own. They sneak around in your subconscious mind twenty-four hours a day sending their messages throughout your mind.
If you even consider engaging in an activity that has ANTs attached to it, a whole army will start to march along your neural networks. Suddenly you’ll decide to "just forget it" because "I’m not any good at that anyway."
Sound familiar?
How to Stamp Out ANTs
To claim more of your TRUE potential for personal excellence, you’ll have to move those ant hills out of your subconscious mind. The following exercise works especially well for eliminating negative thoughts.
This exercise is intended to be performed in privacy, while facing a mirror. Look straight into your own eyes and repeat an affirmation. Get as much emotional feeling into it as possible.
If you want to overcome negative feelings about public speaking, for example, your affirmation might be: "I am an excellent speaker." =>If you want to stomp out negative feelings about failure, you might say: "I am fearless."
Frequent repetition creates new and stronger neural networks.
PS. Don’t be alarmed if you begin to look like a different person in the mirror. This is a very powerful exercise. Done over time, you will begin to get glimpses of a "truer" version of yourself in the mirror.
This can get very exciting!
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