If you aren't yet acquainted with Deb Nyberg, we encourage you to visit the website she created approximately one year ago and discover yourself what this exceptionally caring woman and her very talented organizing team have been developing at the "Women In Business Cyberspace Field of Dreams".
To all those who know her, Deb IS the "Field of Dreams". Her dedication and efforts to build a website that supports and promotes women in business has grown into a very impressive organization that is continuously mapping major inroads for women throughout the world.
What began as one woman's dream to build a site to assist women in growing their businesses has become a major women's community on the Internet, with over 1,000 women's businesses registered in its directory! The tremendous amount of time and work involved in maintaining such a site is overwhelming and Deb has provided her services without charge.
With this growth have come new dreams for the future. In late 1996, Field of Dreams' organizing team, along with its advisory board, initiated work to became a legal entity for further promotion of women in business projects. These include providing webpages for women who can't afford a site; free hosting on a Field of
Dreams server; a mentoring project to help women create & develop their own businesses -- the list
is enormous and FoD has already begun to achieve some of these goals.
The need for financial assistance in continuing to maintain the FoD site and ongoing concern for financing these important projects has prompted an enormous response from women. The organizing team is made up of a number of highly qualified, successful businesswomen, who have dedicated themselves to expanding FoD's services on the website and who also give a great deal of their time to fundraising efforts to bring about the opportunities that women need.
The Silent Auction is one example of the ways that women are showing their endorsement of FoD's vision of what can be; by donating goods and services from their own businesses and also placing their own bids to support this effort. Drop by the Field of Dreams website and learn more about what's going on with the Business Chatline, Women in Business Mail Forum, the FoD calling card, Incubator Sites, FoD fund-raising specialty items and much more.
Women in Business Cyberspace Field of Dreams has been selected as a Top 10% resource out of nearly 100 reviews for the "Women in Business" chapter of the 1997 Small Business Guide to the Internet. It will also be included in future editions and foreign translations of the book, which will be published by Lycos Press.
It isn't surprising to see how FoD has grown. Deb Nyberg has a heart as big as the State of Texas that she originates from and her focus is always on helping others. That's in addition to caring for a husband, four children and her aunt -- but she will always try to make time if you really need her.
Congratulations, Deb, for everything you've accomplished with Field of Dreams! When you created your website, you also created a door of opportunity for all of us. Your vision, and an enormous amount of effort since, has created a powerful vehicle for women in business to communicate, support and advise each other. Thank you so much!
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